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Ahmed is a full stack developer

Multi-Tenancy Architecture: Core Concepts and Principles

Multi-Tenancy Architecture: Core Concepts and Principles

Imagine stepping into a modern shopping mall, where a lot of stores coexist within a shared physical space. Each store boasts its unique offerings, ambiance, and branding, catering to diverse customer needs and preferences. Despite sharing common facilities such as parking lots, walkways, and utility services, each store operates independently, managing its inventory, sales, and customer interactions. In this bustling environment, the shopping mall serves as a microcosm of multi-tenancy archite...

Ahmed Mar 6, 2024
From Code to Clicks: The Rise of Low Code Development

From Code to Clicks: The Rise of Low Code Development

Ahmed Sep 27, 2023
The Art of Mobile Notification System Design: Igniting Engagement and Connection

The Art of Mobile Notification System Design: Igniting Engagement and Connection

Ahmed Jul 20, 2023
Turbocharge Your Software: The Ultimate Guide to Building a Lightning-Fast Caching System!

Turbocharge Your Software: The Ultimate Guide to Building a Lightning-Fast Caching System!