Welcome to MVST, Claudio!

Welcome to MVST, Claudio!

Our Development Team counts a new member! 🚀  Please give our new MVST family member Claudio a warm welcome!

We are thrilled to have Claudio join our outstanding team, and we wish him all the best for this new chapter. Here are some really interesting facts about him!

About Claudio

  • Full Name: Claudio Orlandi
  • Home country: Brazil 🇧🇷
  • Position: Fullstack Developer

Please tell us a bit about your background

Straight from a small town on top of an inactive volcano, here I am! As a child, I was always very curious to know how things worked. This never faded curiosity led me to a course in Computer Technology and made me sure of what I wanted to do. I started studying Computer Science and then switched to Systems Analysis and Development. I started my professional career working with a Udemy instructor, until I got an opportunity at a startup in the education area, after that I went through several challenges in various areas.

How did you find out about MVST?

I was scrolling through LinkedIn, when I saw a post by Matheus. I found it interesting the way he described the job opportunity at MVST, showing that he really liked what he did, and the coolest professional experiences I've ever had were with people who had that same feeling about work. So I did some research about MVST and then I was sure it was the place I wanted to work.

What inspired you to pursue a career in the software industry?

I believe that two things made me choose a career in technology: First, the opportunity to solve problems using technology as we know it, which is relatively new compared to other areas of society. Second, a phrase that I carry with me, which is “Be who you needed when you were younger”. And what moves me is seeing what these two things together do, they cause a real impact, whether for people, companies, products, the important thing is to make something better.

What do you hope to gain from your experience working with us, and how do you plan to make the most of this opportunity?

As a developer, I am driven by challenges, and working at MVST means having a lot of challenges to face. Being part of an international work environment, I will have the opportunity to be part of something bigger than myself, impacting everyone and showing why I came. With this experience, first I'm going to get to know the people I'm going to work with and try to reach the same level as them. And of course, I want to work on different projects and get a lot of knowledge using cutting-edge technologies. I am prepared to do my best and dive headlong into developing myself with everything the company offers!