Welcome To MVST, Alejandro!

Welcome To MVST, Alejandro!

We are excited to introduce Alejandro, the newest addition to the MVST team! Joining us as a Product Manager, Alejandro brings a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to our team. We can't wait to see the impact you'll make. Welcome aboard, and best of luck in your new role! 🚀

About Alejandro

  • Full Name: Alejandro Escribano
  • Home Country: Spain 🇪🇸
  • Position: Product Manager

Please give us a small intro about you!

Since childhood, I have always been passionate about building and inventing things. I studied Sound Engineering in London and soon after began my professional career as an electronic engineer, creating analog equipment for musicians. However, I found the hardware development cycle to be quite tedious, which led me to transition to software.

I started my software journey in Data Science and Machine Learning, specializing in OCR, Sentiment Analysis, and Computer Vision, and worked as an AI Engineer for some time. Eventually, I wanted a more strategic role and moved into Product Management, where I enjoy getting hands-on and ensuring that what I'm building is genuinely useful.

What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done, and what did you learn from it?

I once walked from Bilbao to Santander for 5 days with 50€ camping in the wild. It was tough but lovely. I had to squeeze the few resources I had to the maximum and learned to improvise as new situations approached. It felt like a month so I guess that I also learned that time flies very relatively, which is weird.

What do you hope to gain from your experience working with us, and how do you plan to make the most of this opportunity?

I hope to land in a great teamwork space surrounded by people with similar aspirations and curiosities. I'm excited to learn about this agency-focused business model since it's new to me but seems like a perfect fit. Mostly, I just want to feel motivated and fulfilled, making the most of this experience by contributing and picking up as much as I can along the way.

Interested in Joining the MVST team?

Apply here!